
Historic climate change in context

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Saved by Mike Kaulbars
on September 8, 2008 at 6:24:14 am

Deniers want to pretend that historic climate change is something newly discovered and that this somehow puts anthropogenic climate change into question. Hello!!!

 Of course there has been climatic variation throughout the Earth's history. You know, I know, the climate scientists know because they are the ones who discovered it!   It's very simple basic stuff. It's taught in bloody grade 4 for crying out loud. It's in every 'How and Why Wonder Book' that a 6 year old reads, so they should stop pretending it's some freaking great revelation.

The scientists  know about it, it is part of the science, It's accounted for in the science. They know far more about it than you or I and they are the ones saying that this is NOT part of the same patterns

There has always been variation, and all climate events have causes. Orbital variations, sun cycles, volcanoes ... there is always causes.

No one is saying those things have stopped happening. Of course they are happening. How in God's name would anthropogenic climate change stop all other climatic factors?  Those variations are still happening, and anthropogenic climate change is happening as well. It is on top of not instead of natural factos. No one ever claimed any different, so them saying this as if they had is absurd.


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